Tupperware is Quality Assured!
For over 50 years, we at Tupperware Brands have proudly backed our
products with a Lifetime Guarantee so you can buy with confidence. All
Tupperware products carried under the Tupperware Trademarks are
guaranteed by Tupperware Brands to perform under normal domestic use for
the lifetime of the product. We will replace, free of charge, any
Tupperware product, or any part that, under normal domestic use, shows a
manufacturing defect.
Selama lebih 50 tahun, kami di Tupperware Brands dengan bangganya menyokong produk kami dengan Jaminan Sepanjang Hayat supaya anda boleh membeli dengan keyakinan. Semua produk Tupperware yang dibawa di bawah Tanda dagang Tupperware dijamin oleh Tupperware Brands untuk di bawah penggunaan domestik biasa untuk seumur hidup produk tersebut. Kami akan menggantikan, percuma, mana-mana produk Tupperware, atau mana-mana bahagian yang, di bawah penggunaan domestik yang normal, yang menunjukkan kecacatan pembuatan.
When it comes to Tupperware, just look
out for the Tupperware™ logo printed on the bottom of each product. All
Tupperware products have passed stringent tests and are built to last.
They are quality products that are food-grade safe, which is integral
to family health. They are also designed to be used repeatedly, thus
reducing unwanted mountains of garbage.
Lihat logo ™ Tupperware yang dicetak di bahagian bawah setiap produk. Semua produk Tupperware telah lulus ujian ketat sebelum dikeluarkan kepada pengguna. Produk Tupperware adalah produk berkualiti tinggi dan amat sesuai untuk pemyimpanan makanan dengan selamat dan penting kepada kesihatan keluarga. Tupperware juga direka untuk digunakan berulang kali, sekali gus mengurangkan sampah dan kesan rumah hijau.
Consultants can bring their Tupperware Products to any authorised Business Centre for warranty replacements. Anjung Suri aka tupperware4all.com an Independent Consultant. If you are interested in doing replacement which is covered in the terms of lifetime warranty, you can also do our place with simple conditions. You must be an active member under the Anjung Suri aka tupperware4all.com to change your products without any purchase. If you are not an active member under the Anjung Suri aka tupperware4all.com or not yet a member, you can exchange goods provided you had made a minimum purchase of RM50 Tupperware products at our outlets (on every time the change is made).
Please note that I do not gain anything from doing the product
replacement. I am only doing it as a favour for my customers.
Ahli-ahli Tupperware boleh membawa produk Tupperware kemana-mana stokist sah untuk menukarkan produk tupperware mereka yang rosak. Anjung Suri a.k.a tupperware4all.com merupakan Independent Consultant. Sekiranya anda berminat untuk melakukan penukaran barang yang mana dilindingu dalam syarat Jaminan sepanjang hayat, anda boleh juga lakukan ditempat kami dengan syarat yang mudah. Anda mesti merupakan ahli aktif dibawah Anjung Suri a.k.a tupperware4all.com untuk menukarkan produk anda tanpa sebarang pembelian. Sekiranya anda bukan merupakan ahli aktif dibawah Anjung Suri a.k.a tupperware4all.com atau masih belum menjadi ahli, anda boleh menukarkan barangan tersebut dengan syarat anda ada membuat sebarang pembelian minimum RM50 produk tupperware di outlet kami (pada setiap kali penukaran dibuat).
Sila ambil perhatian bahawa kami tidak mendapat apa-apa daripada melakukan penggantian produk. Kami hanya melakukannya sebagai keistimewaan kepada para pelanggan kami.
Covered By The Tupperware Lifetime Guarantee
Tupperware products are guaranteed by the Company against cracking, warping, peeling and chipping under normal domestic use.
Produk Tupperware yang dijamin oleh Syarikat adalah terhadap kepada retak semulajadi, meleding dan mengelupas di bawah kegunaan domestik biasa.
Produk Tupperware yang dijamin oleh Syarikat adalah terhadap kepada retak semulajadi, meleding dan mengelupas di bawah kegunaan domestik biasa.
There may be instances where the Company no longer carries parts or
products that are brought in for replacement. Under such circumstances
the Company will provide alternative parts or products that offer
similar functionalities and of similar value to the parts or product
brought in. The Company reserves the right to accept and/or to reject
alternative product choices proposed by the Consultant and/or customers
for a product replacement.
Mungkin terdapat keadaan di mana Syarikat tidak lagi mengeluarkan bahagian atau produk yang dibawa untuk penggantian. Dalam keadaan seperti ini, Syarikat akan menyediakan bahagian alternatif atau produk yang menawarkan fungsi yang sama dan nilai yang sama kepada bahagian atau produk yang dibawa untuk penukaran. Syarikat berhak untuk menerima dan / atau untuk menolak pilihan produk alternatif yang dicadangkan oleh Perunding dan / atau pelanggan untuk penggantian produk.
Condition for alternative product warranty replacement :
Keadaan penggantian jaminan bagi produk alternatif:
Certain products in our catalogue are marked with the "Q" symbol. These are not covered by the Lifetime Guarantee but are still guaranteed by Tupperware Brands to be free from manufacturing defects. They will be replaced, if defective, provided they are returned in accordance with Product Return & Replacement policies and procedures.
Produk tertentu dalam katalog kami ditandakan dengan simbol "Q". Ini tidak dilindungi oleh Jaminan Sepanjang Hayat tetapi masih dijamin oleh Tupperware Brands untuk menjadi bebas daripada kecacatan pembuatan. Ia a kan diganti, jika rosak, dengan syarat iakembali mengikut Pulangan Produk & dasar dan prosedur Penggantian.
The following products are marked with the "Q" symbol:
Mungkin terdapat keadaan di mana Syarikat tidak lagi mengeluarkan bahagian atau produk yang dibawa untuk penggantian. Dalam keadaan seperti ini, Syarikat akan menyediakan bahagian alternatif atau produk yang menawarkan fungsi yang sama dan nilai yang sama kepada bahagian atau produk yang dibawa untuk penukaran. Syarikat berhak untuk menerima dan / atau untuk menolak pilihan produk alternatif yang dicadangkan oleh Perunding dan / atau pelanggan untuk penggantian produk.
Condition for alternative product warranty replacement :
Keadaan penggantian jaminan bagi produk alternatif:
- Where a part is no longer available, all other components or
parts that make the product complete must be brought in for replacement,
even though these parts are in good condition ( seals, base, handle,
spout, etc ) /
Jika part tidak lagi tersedia, semua komponen atau bahagian-bahagian lain yang membuat produk tersebut lengkap mesti dibawa masuk untuk penggantian, walaupun bahagian-bahagian lain berada dalam keadaan baik - The alternative product choosen for warranty replacement should be an item from our regular catalogue at the stated price. /
Produk alternatif yang dipilih untuk penggantian jaminan harus daripada item katalog tetap pada harga yang dinyatakan. - If the alternative product used for warranty replacement is lesser in value, there will be no refunds. /
Jika produk alternatif yang digunakan untuk penggantian bernilai kurang daripada harga produk yang ditukarkan , tiada bayaran balik akan diberikan. - If the alternative product used for warranty replacement is higher
in value, the consultant or customer will be required to pay for the
difference in value. This is called top-up value. /
Jika produk alternatif yang digunakan untuk penggantian adalah lebih tinggi nilai, perunding atau pelanggan akan dikehendaki untuk membayar perbezaan nilai. Ini dipanggil nilai top-up. - The top-up value for the replaced product will not be included for
commisions and bonuses under the Tupperware Business Plan or any other
awards. /
Nilai top-up untuk produk yang diganti tidak akan dimasukkan untuk komisen dan bonus di bawah Pelan Perniagaan Tupperware atau mana-mana anugerah lain

Certain products in our catalogue are marked with the "Q" symbol. These are not covered by the Lifetime Guarantee but are still guaranteed by Tupperware Brands to be free from manufacturing defects. They will be replaced, if defective, provided they are returned in accordance with Product Return & Replacement policies and procedures.
Produk tertentu dalam katalog kami ditandakan dengan simbol "Q". Ini tidak dilindungi oleh Jaminan Sepanjang Hayat tetapi masih dijamin oleh Tupperware Brands untuk menjadi bebas daripada kecacatan pembuatan. Ia a kan diganti, jika rosak, dengan syarat iakembali mengikut Pulangan Produk & dasar dan prosedur Penggantian.
The following products are marked with the "Q" symbol:
- TupperChef Inspire Cookware
- Multipurpose Shears
- Can Openers
Not Covered By The Tupperware Lifetime Guarantee /
Tidak Dilindungi Oleh Jaminan Sepanjang Hayat Tupperware
Tidak Dilindungi Oleh Jaminan Sepanjang Hayat Tupperware
- Stains
- Insect , pest bites
- *Melting
- Cuts
- Taps
- Straps
- **Impact damage
- Discolouration
- Scratches
- Prints
- Pouches
If products touch the dishwasher element, stove-top burner or even hot
metal objects, the heat can melt the product at the point of contact. /
Jika produk menyentuh elemen logam dalam mesin pembasuh pinggan, haba boleh mencairkan produk di titik hubungan.
** If a product is knocked against or hit by a hard object or drops and breaks as a result, it is not replaceable under the guarantee.
Jika produk tersebut terjatuh atau dan pecah akibat kecuaian , ia tidak diganti di bawah jaminan.
Jika produk menyentuh elemen logam dalam mesin pembasuh pinggan, haba boleh mencairkan produk di titik hubungan.
** If a product is knocked against or hit by a hard object or drops and breaks as a result, it is not replaceable under the guarantee.
Jika produk tersebut terjatuh atau dan pecah akibat kecuaian , ia tidak diganti di bawah jaminan.
Dry with a soft cloth before putting containers away in cabinets or shelves. To keep containers air-fresh, store them without
Hot Beverages / Liquids / Food
Allow beverage in container to cool before handling or applying the seal.
Hot liquids such as oil, cooking grease or hot foods containing fat (e.g. soup or sauces) should be cooled before placing them in the container.
Removing Stains
Baking soda paste is ideal for stain removal or getting rid of any stickiness
Cuts & Scratches
Avoid using sharp utensils, abrasive cleaners or strong undiluted detergents. Use only mild detergents and a
soft sponge. To remove oily substances, wash with warm water.
Tupperware products are not designed for cooking and therefore are not recommended for use in a microwave oven
except for TupperWave Stack Cooker, Rock 'N Serve and CrystalWave reheatable products.
avoid reheating certain foods, especially those with high fat or sugar content, as these foods can become very hot and
causes damage to your containers.
Reheating tomato or chili-based sauces and foods may cause staining as a result of natural foods colourants found in many vegetables.
Do not use reheatable products:
Unpleasant Odours
Dry with a soft cloth before putting containers away in cabinets or shelves. To keep containers air-fresh, store them without
Hot Beverages / Liquids / Food
Allow beverage in container to cool before handling or applying the seal.
Hot liquids such as oil, cooking grease or hot foods containing fat (e.g. soup or sauces) should be cooled before placing them in the container.
Removing Stains
Baking soda paste is ideal for stain removal or getting rid of any stickiness
Cuts & Scratches
Avoid using sharp utensils, abrasive cleaners or strong undiluted detergents. Use only mild detergents and a
soft sponge. To remove oily substances, wash with warm water.
Tupperware products are not designed for cooking and therefore are not recommended for use in a microwave oven
except for TupperWave Stack Cooker, Rock 'N Serve and CrystalWave reheatable products.
avoid reheating certain foods, especially those with high fat or sugar content, as these foods can become very hot and
causes damage to your containers.
Reheating tomato or chili-based sauces and foods may cause staining as a result of natural foods colourants found in many vegetables.
Do not use reheatable products:
- In the conventional oven
- On the stove
- Under a grill
- In convection microwave ovens with conventional settings.
Unpleasant Odours
- Seal either a piece of charcoal or stuff newspaper in the container
- Clean seals and container with baking soda paste
- Coat inside surface with lemon juice and water then rinse
- Clean with mixture of vinegar and water
- Open container when not in use.