Monday, December 10, 2012

Rice Dispenser

In designing extraordinary storage systems to bring innovation and order to the modern home, the Tupperware Rice Dispenser was inspired by Asia's main staple - rice. Rice has traditionally been stored in earthen bins or large clay urns. Daily scooping of rice with cup and contact of rice with moist hands create potential contamination and infestation of weevils.

 非凡存储系统设计带来创新和以现代家居,特百惠水稻饮水机的灵感来自于亚洲的主食 - 大米历来被存储在水稻土箱或大型粘土瓮。每天舀饭杯和潮湿的手接触的大米会带来潜在的污染和象鼻虫感染

Direkabentuk untuk sistem penyimpanan yang luar biasa untuk membawa inovasi dan  rumah moden. Tupperware Rice Dispenser telah diilhamkan melalui makanan ruji utama Asia - beras. Beras secara tradisinya telah disimpan dalam tong  atau tempayan-tempayan tanah liat yang besar. Setiap hari, mengambil dengan cawan , tangan lembap mewujudkan pencemaran yang berpotensi dan serangan kumbang.

Now, keep rice fresh with the new Tupperware Rice Dispenser.

Sekarang, pastikan kesegaran beras dengan Tupperware Rice Dispenser.


  • Unique drawer designed to dispense rice with a slide.
  • Hygienic and prevents contamination from hands.
  • First-in-first-out rotation keeps rice fresh.
  • One swipe dispenses exactly 1 cup of rice (150g)
  • Convenient size that fits all kitchen tops.
  • Stores up to 10.5kg of rice. Perfect for every family.
  • In pleasing neutral colors to match any kitchen decor.