Hi all...
Sepanjang bulan June dan awal July tempohari pelbagai aktiviti telah di anjurkan ( dan ada juga sebagai tetamu tp jadi bidan terjun utk host jugak ) oleh kami dan alhamdullilah sambutan menggalakkan dari semua pihak yang terlibat.
AKTIVITI 1 :: 19th June 2010 :: Recognition & Sesi Ramas Mesra Dengan Downline

AKTIVITI 2 :: 24th June 2010 :: Majlis Perasmian & Penyampaian Kereta Toyota - FREE !!

AKTIVITI 3 :: 2nd July 2010 :: Spirit Of Ramadhan Catalog Launching & Business Opportunity Session
Do JOIN US on our Next Activity - Please contact 013-3852698 for more info
9th July 2010 : 8.30pm to 9.30 pm :: Semenyih (please Ctc us to get the address)
- Catalog & Product Display
- Business Opportunity Session
- Lucky Draw for those who come on time
- Sign Up Gift
- Privilege Purchase up to 50% on selected item
- FREE entrance !!
- Strictly NO consultant under others TEAM.
10th July 2010 : 8.30pm to 9.30 pm :: Ampang
- Directors meeting
- Hanya untuk director under Crystal's Team shj
- + Special Dinner :D
16th - 17th July 2010 : 8.00am to 10.30 pm :: Sunway Convention Center
- Tupperware Brands National Jubilee + Nationak Dinner
- Untuk sesiapa yang dah beli tiket shj
18th July 2010 : 1.30pm to 7.30 pm :: Sunway Convention Center
- To my consultant & directors out there, please come with your friends and enjoy our activity. You can recruits them on the spot & we have special SIGN UP Gift of the day.!!
- FREE entrance !!
24th July 2010 : 2.30pm to 4.30 pm :: Ampang (please Ctc us to get the address)
- News Update from Jubilee & Recognition to Consultant who recruits 2 or 6 from 1 to 20th July 2010
- FREE entrance !!
*30th July 2010 / 1st August : 10.00am to 4.30 pm :: Anjung Suri (please Ctc us to get the address)
- Skin Care Class & Beauti Control Advisor Training
- Fee :: RM60 per pax
- Lunch & promo kit provided
- Attendance Gift worth more than RM80 !
- Limited to 30 pax only
- 1st Come 1st Serve

* Tentative.