Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
4:49 PM
Tupperware Brands is ranked No.2 in the Household Products category in the Fortune 500's Most Admired Companies List 2008. This affirms our status as one of the most respected brands and most reputable companies in the world.
Tupperware Brands Corporation gained an overall score of 7.30 in the list that surveys U.S based organization, which was published in the March 17 issue of Fortune magazine.
The Most Admired list is the definitive report card on corporate reputations an is an annual survey of over 15,000 top executives, directors and members of the Financial community in the USA. A total of 622 companies in 65 industries were surveyed. To gain mention in the list, companies are rated on eight criteria, which are:
• Quality of management
• Quality of products and services
• Innovations
• Long-term investment value
• Financial soundness
• People management
• Social responsibility
• Use of corporate assets.
For the complete list, go to : www.money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/mostadmired/2088/industries/57.html
Let’s join us now … and you’ll be represent one of the most admired companies in the U.S.A and be proud to be part of our great family!.
Contact me NOW.
Tupperware Brands Corporation gained an overall score of 7.30 in the list that surveys U.S based organization, which was published in the March 17 issue of Fortune magazine.
The Most Admired list is the definitive report card on corporate reputations an is an annual survey of over 15,000 top executives, directors and members of the Financial community in the USA. A total of 622 companies in 65 industries were surveyed. To gain mention in the list, companies are rated on eight criteria, which are:
• Quality of management
• Quality of products and services
• Innovations
• Long-term investment value
• Financial soundness
• People management
• Social responsibility
• Use of corporate assets.
For the complete list, go to : www.money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/mostadmired/2088/industries/57.html
Let’s join us now … and you’ll be represent one of the most admired companies in the U.S.A and be proud to be part of our great family!.
Contact me NOW.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sarawakian... We're Coming To You... !!!!
12:19 PM
Tupperware Activity
( Guest , Consultant(s) & DIQ )
You're cordially to our 1st get Together
Date : 27 December 2008 - Saturday
Time : 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm
Venue : Dewan Bangunan SIPEC , Jalan P Ramlee Kuching
Ticket : RM10.00 only
( get attendance gift worth RM30 )
* Sales draw with minimum purchase RM100
* Games & Product Demo
* Achiever Awards for :-
** top recruiter
** top seller
** plus many more..
Please contact me and comfirm your attendance before 26th December at 013-3852698 if you want to join this event !!!

( Guest , Consultant(s) & DIQ )
You're cordially to our 1st get Together
Date : 27 December 2008 - Saturday
Time : 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm
Venue : Dewan Bangunan SIPEC , Jalan P Ramlee Kuching
Ticket : RM10.00 only
( get attendance gift worth RM30 )
* Sales draw with minimum purchase RM100
* Games & Product Demo
* Achiever Awards for :-
** top recruiter
** top seller
** plus many more..
Please contact me and comfirm your attendance before 26th December at 013-3852698 if you want to join this event !!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Join us today!
12:36 PM
Dealer News
Become a Tupperware consultant today!
Learn how you can begin your own Tupperware business.
We will help you get started!
We will help your Tupperware business succeed.
You'll love being a Tupperware consultant.
Join today! email to ainiecyberstore@gmail.com now.
It'll change your life forever!
12:13 PM
Dealer News
as a Tupperware Consultant !
( JOM mulakan perniagaan dari rumah sebagai Tupperware Konsultant ! )
You can sell Tupperware today!
( Anda boleh menjual produk Tupperware Hari ini ! )
Become a Tupperware Consultant for Only RM260.00!*
*for a limited time!
( Jadilah Usahawan Tupperware sekarang dengan hanya bermodalkan RM260!! * masa terhad )
Click Here to see what you this month promotion !
( Klik di sini untuk lihat promosi menarik bulan ini )
Mengapa memilih untuk menjadi Konsutant Tupperware ?
- Bekerja dari rumah atau di mana sahaja anda suka
- Tiada paksaan jualan .. You Call The Shot !!
- Latihan dan sokongan diberikan secara online !
Isn't it time you had your own business?
Your hours,
your pace,
your income...
selling the product .. MUMMY loves to buy!
Imagine Life On Your Terms…
11:52 AM
Dealer News
Imagine Life On Your Terms…
Adakah anda tahu…..
Adakah anda tahu…..
- Ada lebih 4.4 juta pekerja di dunia telah diberhentikan kerja atas pelbagai sebab seperti kemelesetan ekonomi dunia dana pelbagai sebab yang lain .
- statistik menunjukkan pesara hanya mampu bertahan 3-5 tahun dan selepas itu terpaksa kembali bekerja untuk menampung kehidupan seharian
- Pemilik kad kredit di negara ini gagal menjelaskan tunggakan pinjaman yang mencecah RM21.6 bilion sehingga September tahun lalu. Daripada jumlah itu, sebanyak RM591 juta adalah pinjaman tidak berbayar (NPL)
- Separuh daripada pengguna di Malaysia mengalami kesukaran dalam menyelesaikan bil-bil bulanan mereka .. bil telefon, utiliti, internet, astro, pinjaman dan byk lagi bil yg perlu dijelaskan setiap bulan….
- 1 drpd 5 ibu bapa mempunyai 2 pekerjaan dlm satu masa
- 1 daripada 6 org ibu merupakan suri rumah
- Families spend 33% less time together
Imagine Life On Your Terms…
- bekerja dari rumah tanpa perlu punch card, tanpa perlu ambil cuti untuk menguruskan anak-anak
- tiada hutang.. dan anda bebas
- berpendapatan lebih RM1000 setiap bulan dgn hanya bekerja 6 jam seminggu
- You're the Boss !!!
Memperkenalkan satu Peluang Keemasan bersama syarikat yang kukuh dan jaminan masa depaan yang cemerlang dan salah satu produk yang ‘umph” di dunia ini... ia adalah
- proven
- guaranteed
- respected brand
- No experience needed
- FUN guaranteed
Anda pasti akan terpesona dengan apa yg anda boleh dapat dgn Tupperware pada hari ni seperti…..
- Flexibility
- Anda sendiri tentukan target anda
- Tentukan sendiri masa bekerja
- Control your time
- Kebebesan Kewangan
- Would an extra RM500 a month take the pressure off your family budget?
- Would RM1000 a month get you closer to your dream ? - Family
- Expenses free cars
- All expenses – paid vacation
- An opportunity to involve your family in your business
- A perfect bond and build family business - Fun – where else you can
- Party for living
- Drive an expense free car
- Earn trips and diamond
Making money is $IMPLE
Three ways to EARN… ( 3 cara mudah untuk menjana pendapatan ) - Up to 25% retail profit ( 25% untung runcit )
- Up 14% of your group commissionable base
- As much as 7% on the commissionable sales of those you mentor to leadership
Getting started is just SIMPLE - Most willing to invest hundreds for this kind of invest
- The good news… your investment is much less…
- And can be covered on your FIRST average party
Imagine…. - Matching your dreams with your business that fits to your life
- It’s simple .. dropped yo email to meand ask about TUPPERWARE
drop your email to ainiecyberstore@gmail and You’ll will be amazed in what you Find In Tupperware..
It’s perfect
Monday, December 15, 2008
Kelas Memasak Pizza Kat Damansara
1:19 PM
Tupperware Activity
Hi gang...pizza party demo telah berjaya di adakan di rumah Azlinda my down line kat Damansara pada 14 December 2008.
Terima kasih Azlinda sebab bagi pinjamkan rumah untuk buat demo pizza ni ...

Tuan Rumah Happy , dapat free gift as a host .Tetamu yang hadir pun dapat gift tau.. cuma terlupa nak amik gambarnya ...

Uli Doh Time .. semua teruja .. nak tau buat pizza yg senang cam ni .. ehehe

Inilah hasilnya 3 keping pizza tuna.... tak sempat nak amik gambo slice pizza... dah kena ngapp ... ehehe .
Lepas abis demo... tetamu yg hadir dapat ngap pizza.. pastu balik tidak dgn tgn kosong.. masing-masing bawak balik 2-3 free gift !!!. Best kan.. ( aiyak.... once again.. lupa nak snap ! )

Ni plak pizza Sausage & cendawan ..( buat kat umah lepas balik demo tu... sebab asben & mentua nak makan pizza )
Terima kasih Azlinda sebab bagi pinjamkan rumah untuk buat demo pizza ni ...

Tuan Rumah Happy , dapat free gift as a host .Tetamu yang hadir pun dapat gift tau.. cuma terlupa nak amik gambarnya ...

Inilah hasilnya 3 keping pizza tuna.... tak sempat nak amik gambo slice pizza... dah kena ngapp ... ehehe .
Lepas abis demo... tetamu yg hadir dapat ngap pizza.. pastu balik tidak dgn tgn kosong.. masing-masing bawak balik 2-3 free gift !!!. Best kan.. ( aiyak.... once again.. lupa nak snap ! )

Ni plak pizza Sausage & cendawan ..( buat kat umah lepas balik demo tu... sebab asben & mentua nak makan pizza )
Kepada yang lain, sesapa yang berhajat nak buat demo pizza ker apam balik atau muffin kat tempat anda, sila hubungi crystal kay....
Kami akan ke tempat anda untuk ajar anda macam mana nak buat pizza dgn mudah !!!
Drop your email to crystalsshoppe@gmail.com
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Pizza Demo
1:44 PM
Tupperware Activity
Anda berminat untuk BELAJAR membuat PIZZA dalam masa 10 minit sahaja tanpa menggunakan OVEN ??
Yuran pendaftaran cuma RM10.00 sahaja dan anda PASTI membawa pulang hadiah penyertaan dan hadiah cabutan bertuah.
Anda semua adalah dijemput untuk datang beramai-ramai bersama sahabat handai untuk turut serta dalam kelas ini
This week ada pizza demo di :-
SD Apartment Blok 15-1-DPersiaran Meranti Bandar Sri Damansara Kuala Lumpur
2.30 ptg – 4.30 ptg
14 Disember 2008 ( Ahad )
Tempat adalah TERHAD
Berminat untuk sertainya, sila call / sms untuk mendapatkan tiket daripada :
Sila sahkan kehadiran anda dan buat pembayaran selewat-lewatnya pada hari Sabtu, 13 Disember 2008
Yuran pendaftaran cuma RM10.00 sahaja dan anda PASTI membawa pulang hadiah penyertaan dan hadiah cabutan bertuah.
Anda semua adalah dijemput untuk datang beramai-ramai bersama sahabat handai untuk turut serta dalam kelas ini
This week ada pizza demo di :-
SD Apartment Blok 15-1-DPersiaran Meranti Bandar Sri Damansara Kuala Lumpur
2.30 ptg – 4.30 ptg
14 Disember 2008 ( Ahad )
Tempat adalah TERHAD
Berminat untuk sertainya, sila call / sms untuk mendapatkan tiket daripada :
Sila sahkan kehadiran anda dan buat pembayaran selewat-lewatnya pada hari Sabtu, 13 Disember 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
3:57 PM
- store up to 10.5 kg of rice
- perfect for every family
- keeps rice fresh. First In First Out
- Prevent weevils from infesting by swiping at least once a day
- Detachable parts that make cleaning a breeze
- Save space.
- Sit neatly and elegantly in any kitchen
- boleh muat sehingga 10.5 kg beras dalam satu-satu masa
- sistem FIFO
- Mudah dibersihkan
- Mencegah bubuk sekiranya anda swipe sekurang-kurangnya sekali sehari
- Jimat ruang & wang anda
Di buka untuk tempahan sekarang.
Sekiranya anda booked sekarang, saya menjanjikan diskaun 15% daripada katalog !!!
Syarat nak booked
- hantar email anda ke ainiecyberstore@gmail.com
- Tajuk email : Tupperware Rice Dispenser
- email mesti mengandungi nama , alamat penghantaran & no hp
- Letakkan kuantiti yang dikehendaki
- Booking perlu disertakan dengan pembayaran RM20.00
- Harga RD ini belum diketahui lagi , tetapi insyallah tidak melebihi RM200 setelah ditolak diskaun yang saya berikan. Sekiranya harga melebihi RM200 saya akan kembalikan duit booking anda.
- Baki harga RD perlu dibayar beserta dengan kos penghantaran sebanyak RM8.00 by normal parcel pos pada bulan Januari 2009.
- RD hanya akan dihantar sebaik sahaja bayaran penuh dilakukan
- DEPOSIT RM20.00 tidak akan dikembalikan sekiranya anda cancel order.
- Diskaun 15% HANYA AKAN DIBERIKAN kepada yang buat pembayaran deposit RM20.00 sebelum 30 December 2008
Sila berikan nama anda sekarang dan anda akan dapat diskaun terhebat daripada Crystal's Shoppe.
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